Savraj Sehra: Building my own craft business Savrajhandmaking (BSL)

Posted on May 31, 2024 by

Hi everyone, my name is Savraj Sehra. I come from West London and I have my own small business creating handmade artistic crafts from home called Savrajhandmaking.

I make several different artistic crafts such as Polymer Clay mugs, Cards, Personalised stands or letter personalised Roses. I also create Cupcakes, Cakes, Crates, Heart Rose Gift Boxes and 3D Diamonds.

I am very hands on and creative as a person which is why I craft! I also work with painting as part of the objects I make such as matching backgrounds or creating 3D personalisations that are bright and colourful!

I first set up my business in 2010 – which is 14 years ago now!

I decided to set up a business because I wanted to create products for happy customers. I feel it’s important that others can see me achieving what I do and working from home without any worries so they may be inspired to do the same.

I wanted to set up a good business for me keep me busy at home too. I find it difficult to travel because I am disabled so it is hard to find hard work that I don’t have to travel to. This is also why I find working from my own room is so much more easier to work in.

Most of my family are so proud of my small business and they are happy for me seeing me enjoy carrying out my own business at home. My family all believe that artistic crafts are in good demand and they support me fully as they know this work suits me.

My family always offer me many tips and advice relating to good or bad business decisions. Also they are always there for me to discuss things throughout every step as part of the business.

When I first started, I found it all a very slow process. I made simple cards to begin with with hardwearing boxes with a few gift objects in.

Then I decided to try to make cupcakes and some other basic cakes. These went really well and it seemed they were very popular. But the pricing of the objects was tough, I had to work out how to keep costs down but also sell more.

It was hard to work out the right selling price as well as how much time I can use to work on each item. I have learnt lots with my family, they have taught me so well and I know I am still growing and will get better and make more change in the years to come.

I am pretty much self taught, I learn by searching online and learning something new! For example I found out about lots of processes by looking on YouTube.

I also found a lady who has her own business selling polymer clay mugs and I always loved ordering things from her. One day my sister said why dont you learn to do these yourself? I thought it wasn’t a bad idea so I looked at pictures and spoke to the lady and asked about her process of working.

My first polymer clay mug just had an S on the mug – it looked so effective. Then I decided to add more designs. They are my favourite product to

My inspiration for all things arty actually began back at secondary school with my high school art teacher.

Even when I show them now what I am selling, they get very emotional and tell me how proud they are of me.

I always use creative posts on Instagram or Facebook which is how deaf or hearing community discover me and my work. Working online is also easier in terms of accessibility and removing communication barriers.

I am currently developing two new ideas for the future which include Quilling art and also 3D painting where it feels like a texture on the frame.

I sell my artistic work all online via Instagram or Facebook. Sometimes, I attend deaf events where there are stalls for selling my artistic crafty products. I also love meeting many other deaf people at these events – I love networking and meeting people!

I hope to continue with my business for as long as I can and remain happy and busy!

You can find Savraj online at:


Edited by Rebecca A. Withey


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