Review: 80 Interactive Games and Quizzes by Lets Sign (BSL)

Posted on September 16, 2024 by


Let’s Sign is a series of publications that once began life as DeafBooks. Established by Cath Smith over 23 years ago, the books, posters and flashcards from the Let’s Sign BSL series have all been created to teach BSL to schools, families, children and adults.

I was delighted to recently receive a review copy of their latest publication: BSL 80 Interactive Games & Quizzes.

As an A4 size booklet, it is jam packed full of signs, images and QR links to games. I was impressed to firstly see the amount of detail describing the signs and hand shapes needed and I especially loved the cute graphic designs used with images of all kinds of children signing the words.

With 5 main topics and over 60 signs in the book to learn, the reader is able to select which of the 80 interactive games to enjoy – all of them designed to boost learning and cognitive understanding of the signs used.

Testing the book with my own children, they particularly loved the interactive element and the fact that it wasn’t merely learning signs from a page. They thought it was really smart how they were able to actively engage and apply their own understanding in the games.

However, as my children already know and use sign language, they decided to invite their non-signing friends to try a game for themselves. It was surprising to see how much fun was had – as they initially assumed the book may be a little young for them. They all worked together well to tackle a memory game and proceeded to decipher a word search where the clues were all images of signs.

There was lots of laughter and enjoyment between the peers and it seemed that learning was simultaneously taking place!

This booklet is therefore a fantastic way to actively engage young learners or motivate families to come together to learn new signs or use their sign vocabulary in a fun way!

If you’re new to BSL or would like to share your knowledge of BSL with young children in a light hearted way, the 80 Interactive Games and Quizzes from Let’s Sign is highly recommended.

For more information on the Let’s Sign publications please see 

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