Here are the top five new blogposts from the previous 7 days.
- Bob Duncan: Round up the Deaf and send them to live on Orkney. Good or dangerous idea?
- The Question: Should prison sentences be automatically reduced for deaf people?
- Asher Woodman-Worrell: Deaf Studies is a valuable vehicle for Deaf stories and legends to be passed down to the next generation
- Big Brother Update: Sam into final week! Deaf winner possible
- Deaf News: Airline prevents deaf-blind South African priest from flying
- The Question: Do hearing people fake their sneezes? We need to know
- Big Brother Update: Sam talks about what it’s like to be deaf (days 39, 40 & 41)
- Deaf man enters Big Brother house! Only to have his hearing aid batteries incinerated live on TV
Thanks to our readers, contributors and supporters. Check us out next week when, rain or shine, we’ll be back with more top news and views from the deaf world.
The Limping Chicken is supported by a range of charities and organisations linked to deafness, all of whom offer services that enhance deaf lives. Click on the images on the right-hand side of this site or go to our Supporters page to find out all about them!
Posted in: Weekend Selection
Posted on August 17, 2013 by Editor