Sir Malcolm Bruce MP hopes the deaf community may have reached a turning point following Tuesday’s meeting with the UK’s leading deaf organisations and groups.
Sir Malcom told the Limping Chicken that a consensus was reached about the contents of the Bill he is introducing in Parliament about the communication rights of deaf people – and that the various groups involved had put their differences aside.
Having previously expressed his disappointment at the lack of success of previous campaigns by deaf organisations, Sir Malcolm was left upbeat by the outcome of the meeting on Tuesday at Portcullis House in London.
“I felt the meeting was constructive,” he said.
“They [the groups and charities involved] prioritised what was important because not everything can go in to the Bill and we also got some useful steers to improve its drafting and lots of information to reinforce the case”.
“I had to explain the process and be clear that the chances of this Bill passing or even being debated are almost nil, but the publication of the Bill can be used as a priority list and will be put in front of ministers as deaf people want it. The Bill can be a credible campaigning vehicle and set out a process of action across government.”
The Bill, which calls for the establishment of a body to make recommendations to Government about communication for deaf people, is extremely unlikely to make progress into law but there is an appetite among deaf organisations, and from Sir Malcolm, to use this opportunity to campaign together for the common good. Meetings with ministers are planned and deaf people’s issues could be debated in Parliament soon.
“The next steps for me are that I will take it up with Esther McVey (Minister for Disabled People). She’s enthusiastic and has made the effort to learn some sign language. She has been keen to meet me and I have colleagues in Government that I need to speak to and I hope I can get cabinet member and cross-party support. We need cross-government support because this bill can effect health, education and disabled people so we have to do it in a way that makes it clear what we want.”
“I’m pushing for a debate on the floor of the House of Commons before Christmas but it won’t just be about this issue, the debate will be a wider debate about all the issues faced by deaf people.”
The groups present at the meeting included Action on Hearing Loss, BDA, Signature, NADP, Deaf Ex-Mainstreamers and the Spit the Dummy and the Pardon? groups, both Facebook based.
“I realised that there would be some disagreement and I commend them all for parking their disagreements and moving on. The key issues picked up had widespread agreement. As well as the groups involved, I want to thank Alexandra Hernandez from my office who has worked hard on the issue, taken a real interest and also learned sign language.”
“I hope that this is a turning point. There will be disagreements in the group but I think there is a recognition that the big issues need to be short-listed and the need for people to campaign together.”
The second reading of the bill will be on October 25th if time allows. Sir Malcolm’s name was drawn 14th in an annual ballot of MPs invited to introduce a Private Member’s Bill. Usually only the first six to eight bills end up being debated due to time constraints. Nonetheless, the opportunity is being used to draw attention to the issues faced by deaf people and influence decision makers with a view to making progress further down the line.
By Andy Palmer, The Limping Chicken’s Deputy Editor.
Andy volunteers for the Peterborough and District Deaf Children’s Society on their website, deaf football coaching and other events as well as working for a hearing loss charity. Contact him on twitter @LC_AndyP (views expressed are his own).
The Limping Chicken is the UK’s independent deaf news and blogs website, posting the very latest in deaf opinion, commentary and news, every weekday! Don’t forget to follow the site on Twitter and Facebook, and check out our supporters here.
September 5, 2013
“I’m pushing for a debate on the floor of the House of Commons before Christmas but it won’t just be about this issue, the debate will be a wider debate about all the issues faced by deaf people.”
Let’s hope that includes both unemployed and employed Deaf people having social security snatched away from them by the likes of Bruce. That’s a disagreement I haven’t “parked” anywhere.
By the way, when all the interpreters are down at the Atos office or the job centre or the tribunals, thanks to the bullying reforms Bruce voted for, I wonder where that will leave our communication needs?
““I hope that this is a turning point. There will be disagreements in the group but I think there is a recognition that the big issues need to be short-listed and the need for people to campaign together.”
Social security for the most vulnerable Deaf people is a big issue, even if you and your co-bullies do a good job of pretending otherwise.
September 5, 2013
This is a good bill…deaf children need manualism as well as oralism.
colin ayres
September 5, 2013
Congratulation to the charities for banding together to form a united front and thanks to Sir Malcolm Bruce for trying to get it discussed in the House.
What a pity there is no chance to make new law .
I do hope more MP’s will listen to us and support cross party panels to improve conditions for Deaf people.
Hartmut Teuber
September 6, 2013
Congratulations of meeting with an influential MP to hamper out a broad legislation to benefit a broad spectrum of the Deaf population.
What surprises me is that other organizations are not among them, like RNID, Deaf Sports Council, National Deaf Children Society, Interpreter Group, etc. Any reason for not including them?
September 6, 2013
Action on Hearing Loss is the new name for RNID and NDCS were also there – just not mentioned in that article.
September 6, 2013
It was by invitation only. I had my suit pressed and tie purchased only to discover that nothing came in the post.
September 6, 2013
would you have gone, if invited?
September 6, 2013
The damage is already done. Thousands of unemployed and low-paid Deaf people will soon suffer the effects of this heinous welfare reform that Bruce voted for.
September 9, 2013
“The next steps for me are that I will take it up with Esther McVey (Minister for Disabled People). She’s enthusiastic and has made the effort to learn some sign language.”
Woopee! thats fantastic she’ll be able to talk to me now… Oh! Erm… hang on a bit, I’ll have to learn some sign lanuage too!
Although I am profoundly deaf I don’t sign, I lipread, and I often consider myself in a trap between hearing and deaf… the only way I can get information is to either read (STTR) or by using lipspeakers… I believe there are more people in my position than those that use BSL as their main communication method… and it can only get worse as the population ages… think about this please we need action.
September 9, 2013
this + 1!
Natalya (@barakta)
September 10, 2013
As a mostly oralie I think the reason sign language gets mentioned a lot in these things is that it’s a new and exciting thing that hearies can learn. It’s my understanding that there has been a lot of work done to ensure it is not /just/ BSL which gets promoted here and that it’s a broader spectrum of issues affecting the prelingually deaf like me, those who sign, those who speak (those who do bit of both = me) and those who need lipspeaking and STTR promoted widely as well.
I know it’s easy to feel threatened by the prevalence of BSL but there is also a prevalence of oralist historical stuff which means the BSLers have to fight their corner or be eliminated entirely. Numerically in non-hearing terms non signers outnumber signers by lots and that needs to be reflected in support and services availability but also in sign availability at an affordable and realistic way. Non hearing people shouldn’t have to pay for sign classes for example like I did as a skint student.